Thursday, June 10, 2010

Insanity: A New Round, Starting Again! Am I Insane? Probably!

Hi guys--gosh, I am terrible about staying on top of my blog posts and for that I apologize! I have been so busy building my Team Beachbody business that I have just set this aside for a bit. I haven't been skipping my workouts though which is great news! I just can't bring myself to do that, ever unless of course it is Sunday! I decide that I needed structure again so I decided to start ANOTHER round of Insanity by Shaun T. I thouroughly enjoyed the first round I did last Fall and therefore will do another 60 days of intense cardio conditioning with Mr. Shaun Thompson himself. I love this training style and the way he pushes me to do more than I ever thought possible. I love it!

So, I am behind already on posting my workouts but I promise to do better. I started my new round on Monday, June 7th and am already on Day 4: Cardio Recovery. Don't let the name "recovery" fool you because it is not easy by any means! It is a nice break but definitely not a rest day!

Here are my starting FIT TEST results:
Switch Kicks: 110
Power Jacks: 56
Power Knees: 105
Power Jumps: 11
Suicide Jumps: 15
Push-up Jacks: 22
Low Plank Obliques: 42

There you have it all! Wish me the best of luck and check back often!


  1. I'm afraid to ask...what are push-up jacks and suicide jumps? I have watched the commercial for Insantity, but it scares me! LOL! Love the photo of you and Tony! He's so awesome!

  2. Hi Clamco--Push-up jacks are basically like standing jumping jacks but on the floor and include a push-up. So, you go down into a push-up with feet and hands wide, then back up into a plank position as quick as you can and do as many as you can. Suicide jumps are where starting in a standing position, then go down (jumping back) into a plank position then jump back up with a short jump at the top then repeat that as much as you can! :-) Insanity is crazy hard but like anything you take it one day at a time. Shaun T is a fantastic trainer! Tony is awesome. I have met him twice now. Once in Lincoln, NE then this April at Coach Summit in LA. I assume you have done P90x?

  3. Hi Renee,
    Yes, I am on my second round of P90X. Just started this week with my daughter who is 15 and spends too much time at the computer so she decided to put some muscle on her wimpy self. lol! Thanks for the info on Insanity! You look fantastic! :D Lorraine

  4. Great job Lorraine! I read your blog post about your results with the first round of P90x. I love that program and miss the weights but will be back eventually with a hybrid between the 2 programs. That is great your daughter is doing it with you, how great. My husband is doing Power90 and I do it with him sometimes too. So much fun to have a partner! I appreciate the nice comment. It has been a long road but a fun one! Have a nice weekend!
