Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 8 P90X/Insanity Hybrid: Core Synergistics

I survived WEEK ONE and I feel amazing! Back on the workout train and I am loving it! Core Synergistics is still one of my favorites because you get a little bit of everything in this workout. Going into today's workout was hard because I was extremely sore from a long day of volleyball the day prior but I pushed through it and did my best. Of course, I lost a lot of my strength from taking a small hiatus from working out for about a month and couldn't yet get back into the chatarunga iso hold move yet but I will get there. Mark my word!

I love the lunge, kickback, curl series as that is truly a core move and my other favorite is the steam engine. I don't know why but it sure is fun and anything that involves core/ab work without crunches, count me in! I haven't lost much weight this week but I already feel more energized. I know that last time I only lost 10 lbs in the 90 days but I lost 7 inches off my body! I am not worried. My extreme soreness from so much activity doesn't help my weight much though. Anyway, I am ready for Plyometric Cardio Circuit tomorrow. Bring it Shaun T.

Shakeology & My Workouts

What am I eating along with my workouts? One of the biggest changes I have made in my diet is adding in a Beachbody supplement called "Shakeology" The Healthiest Meal of the Day. Shakeology is a meal replacement (or it can also be a snack) that incredibly healthy and tastes great. My favorite blend is Chocolate, natural peanut butter, a banana, and skim milk and a little ice blended up together. Oh my goodness it is so good. My husband and I consume Shakeology once a day and typically for breakfast as he is not a breakfast eater at all. So when I mix his up, I also consume mine at that time during the day.

I have also cut out all simple carbohydrates including white bread, pasta, and other unhealthy items like candy. I limit myself, at least in the "Fat Shredding" part of the nutrition plan to 1 portion of carbs a day. So, I only get my carbohydrates from whole grains and fruits and vegetables which is the healthiest way! The other thing that has made a HUGE difference is that I have tried to cut out alcohol as it can really hinder results on your diet and exercise plan. For the past 3 months, I have probably had 3 alcoholic drinks which has proved help tremendously.

I love the feeling that I have when I eat well and consume Shakeology everyday. I have more energy, better digestion and elimination (tmi, I know) and just overall better health and wellness.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 7: Rest Day...Well Kind of

Day 7 was supposed to be my rest day but I played in an all day volleyball tournament instead. I won't post much about that but I will tell you I could already tell a huge difference in my cardiovascular endurance throughout the day. I am glad that I started at least a week before this event as I would probably have been too tired to play the entire time.

I was a bit sore from Legs and Back but I worked through it. The Results and Recovery drink really helped me keep the soreness at bay because I think without it I would have been really really sore. :-) Ready to take on the next week. Are you?

Day 6 P90X Insanity Hybrid: Pure Cardio

I was NOT looking forward to Pure Cardio because as I remember it to be during my first round of Insanity, it was HARD but it was also one that eventually grew on me! My workout partner and I decided to do as much of the moves as we could so that we didn't overwhelm our bodies or hurt ourselves. We tried to do at least 30-45 seconds of the 60 second moves and we did quite well with that goal. Pure cardio is a 40 minute workout that includes a 9 minute warm-up and a 20 minute actual "workout."

As mentioned above each move is 60 seconds long and includes exercises like switch-kicks, suicide drills, Level 2 push-up drills, and one of my favorites the jumping jack push-ups. I love this workout because it is short and to the point yet a very challenging and fun workout. As weird as that sounds I know. :-) Shaun T. does such a great job of motivating me and pushing me to my limits. I am so thankful that he is the trainer for this workout otherwise I am not sure anyone could motivate me to continue this workout! day!

Day 5 P90X/Insanity Hybrid: Legs & Back

Day 5 of the P90X/Insanity Hybrid program was Legs & Back along with Cardio Abs. I absolutely love this workout but man am I sore in the rear after it, already. I used to hate lunges but for some odd reason I enjoy them in this workout as Tony makes them fun. I think I enjoy them because they are done in a different manner then when I did them for competitive training/volleyball. Some of my favorite moves in the particular workout are calves raises, dead-lift squats, and all of the back work that you do.

I still use the resistance bands for the pull-up work but only because my workout area doesn't allow for me to place a pull-up bar in the doorways. I am working on that because I know that I definitely want to get much stronger so that I can do more pull-ups and see more definition in my back and shoulder areas. Very happy about how this workout turned out.

Cardio Abs, from Insanity is my favorite ab/core workouts over P90X's ab ripper X. I am not a big fan of crunches so the alternatives exercises that Shaun T uses in his ab routine, Cardio Abs is something I look forward to as there are NO crunches! I can't wait to have abs of steel after the first 90 days are over! I have decided to alternate my ab work between cardio abs and Ab ripper X each week for variety.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 4: P90X Insanity Hybrid: Yoga X

I apologize as I am a little behind on my workout blogging but at least I am getting it done for you. In the past I have actually dreaded Yoga X but today I was really looking forward to the stretching and flexibility involved in this particular workout. Since I really hadn't done anything strenuous for my workouts for about a month I am pretty stiff and sore this week after starting my hybrid program this week.

I have to admit that Yoga X is a little long (90 minutes) for me so I did have to cut it back today a bit due to lack of time. I did the first 40-50 minutes of the actual YOGA part of the program with the downward dogs etc but had to skip the balance and coordination focused portion and straight to the stretching and ab/core work which is my favorite part anyway. I felt SO much better after this workout and I am ready for Legs and Back tomorrow. If I could stress one thing to my readers and those who are doing P90X, do NOT skip this workout because you don't feel it is important because I'd would have to say that it is probably one of the most important. DO IT even if you can't get it all done in one setting. Break it up and do it in segments or do as much of it as you can but DO IT!

Day 3 P90X Insanity Hybrid: Shoulders and Arms, ABX

I was really looking forward to today's workout because in my first P90X round Shoulders & Arms was my favorite workout of the entire "lifting" aspect of the program. After a hard Insanity Cardio Plyo workout yesterday this was going to be a nice change of pace. Still challenging and fun but a nice break from hardcore cardio of Insanity.

I absolutely love the feeling I get in my arms after this workout series is complete. My favorite exercises are the side-tri push-ups, alternating shoulder press, and believe it or not chair dips. During this hybrid program, I am focusing on building definition in my arms and losing the "wave back at me" fat under them. Ha! I am really looking forward to next week's session already and seeing results.

In addition to the P90X Shoulders and Arms workout I devoted 20 minutes of cardio on the elliptical as well as the ever-so challenging Ab Ripper X crusher. Wow! I am going to feel that one. The reason for the extra cardio is because I wanted to add in a few more minutes on the elliptical machine 2-3 days a week on the days that I am lifting. You don't have to do that but I am trying to lose a few extra pounds before our Team Beachbody Coach Summit towards the end of April. Wish me luck and continue coming back to see my progress! I am in it to win it!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 2 P90X & Insanity Hybrid: Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Well, my 2nd day of my hybrid program is in the books. I'd like to tell you that I am not already sore but I am after that crazy workout. If Shaun T wasn't so great to look at or such a great motivator I think I would have walked out on the workout. MAN, that is craziness. I'd also like to tell you that I did it without stopping all the way through but that would be a lie. I had to take breaks. I did however enjoy getting back to seeing the sweat drip off my face from the last round of this intense program. At first I dreaded getting back into this workout but after I got started and going again, I remember why I love it and why I decided to incorporate it into my workouts again.

Plyometric Cardio Circuit starts with a 9 minute workout which I thought I was going to get through easily, stretching, then a 21 minute hardcore workout. With only 30 second breaks in between sets, I found myself huffing and puffing pretty good but I did as well as I could for the first round. I know that I will get better and I can't wait to see the results. Ok, well tomorrow is Shoulders and Arms along with a dose of P90X's Ab Ripper X. Oh, I have missed that workout. Bring it!

Day One P90X & Insanity Hybrid: Core Synergistics

Wowza! Day one of my P90X and Insanity hybrid program was Core Synergistics. During my very first round of P90X last year this was at first my least favorite workout of the series but it turned out to be my very favorite towards the end of the program. For those of you who have done Core Synergistics know why I hated it at first with all of the exercises like Plank to Chatarunga Run or those darn prison cell push-ups but over time I continued to get stronger and was finding that as I was able to do more of the workout that I could do more of them and for longer bouts.

Yesterday was the first day of workouts after about a month and a half hiatus due to some unforeseen circumstances but I am back and more ready than ever to get myself back into shape in 2010. My goal is to lose 15-20 pounds this round and I will get it done. After the lunges my hamstrings are a bit tight as well as my mid-section (core) but overall I feel great and ready to go today with Insanity--Plyometric Cardio Circuit. If you don't hear from me tomorrow, send a rescue team as I am toast! This workout is crazy hard but looking forward to the challenge.

P90X/Insanity Hybrid Day

Since I have completed both P90X and Insanity workout programs from Beachbody, I decided that I would step up my workouts even more and created a P90X and Insanity hybrid program. See how I set up my program below. I am REALLY excited about this hybrid program because I am ready to take my fitness to the next level. My goal for this program is to lose 15-20lbs in the 90 days. My main goal is to get into the best shape for our Team Beachbody Coach Summit coming up at the end of April. I get to workout with Tony Horton and Shaun T during this time so I need to be in the best shape possible. I intend to focus on consistency of my workouts and doing my best each and every time as well as paying close attention to my nutrition program. Please join me in my journey and watch me transform my body during this round of P90X and Insanity. Push play with me and let's bring it!
P90X Insanity Hybrid Program (Round 1)

Month One: Weeks 1-3
Day_1: Core Synergistics
Day_2: Plyometrics Cardio Circuit
Day_3: Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
Day_4: Yoga X (1st week); Core Cardio & Balance (2nd week); Yoga X (3rd week)
Day_5: Legs & Back, Cardio Abs
Day_6: Pure Cardio
Day_7: Rest Day

Month One: Week 4 (Recovery/Rest)
Day_1: Core Cardio & Balance
Day_2: Kenpo X
Day_3: Core Synergistics
Day_4: X Stretch, Ab Ripper X
Day_5: Cardio X
Day_6: Yoga X
Day_7: Rest Day

Month Two: Weeks 5-7
Day_1: Core Synergistics
Day_2: Pure Cardio
Day_3: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps/ Ab Ripper X
Day_4: Yoga X (1st week); Core Cardio & Balance (2nd week); Yoga X (3rd week)
Day_5: Legs & Back, Cardio Abs
Day_6: Cardio Power and Resistance
Day_7: Rest Day

Month Two: Week 8 (Recovery/Rest)
Day_1: Yoga X
Day_2: Core Synergistics
Day_3: Core Cardio and Balance
Day_4: X Stretch/ Ab Ripper X
Day_5: Cardio Recovery
Day_6: Kenpo X
Day_7: Rest Day

Month Three: Weeks 9 and 11
Day_1: Chest and Back, Ab Ripper X
Day_2: Max Interval Plyometrics
Day_3: Shoulders & Arms, Cardio Abs
Day_4: Core Synergistics
Day_5: Max Cardio Conditioning
Day_6: Yoga X
Day_7: Rest Day

Month Three: Weeks 10 and 12
Day_1: Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, Ab Ripper X
Day_2: Max Interval Circuit
Day_3: Back and Biceps, Cardio Abs
Day_4: Core Cardio and Balance
Day_5: Max Cardio Conditioning
Day_6: Core Synergistics
Day_7: Rest Day

Month Three: Week 13 (FINAL WEEK)

Day_1: Yoga X
Day_2: Cardio X
Day_3: Core Cardio and Balance
Day_4: X Stretch
Day_5: Kenpo X
Day_6: Max Cardio Recovery
Day_7: Rest Day