Tuesday, March 30, 2010

OMG--I am so behind--Days 39-43

Ok, well I am very sorry that I haven't posted in almost a week now. I have been doing my workouts but my business with Team Beachbody has really started to intensify so I haven't has much time to blog and because I was sick with the flu last Friday. So here is a shortened version of the past few days of workouts.

Day 39 was supposed to be my Yoga X day but because I left my DVD's at home I was unable to do that one so instead I completed Core Cardio & Balance which didn't really suit my mood as I was really looking forward to Yoga. Weird I know. Ha! I dont' usually crave yoga at all but needed some stress relieving. Oh well, Core Cardio and Balance from Insanity was a great supplement. On Friday last week I woke up with a flu bug and was "down for the count" for my workouts today which was supposed to be P90X Legs & Back with Ab Ripper X. I had a volleyball tournament scheduled for the next day that I didn't want to miss so I decided to just take the day off and rest my body. I think it was a good decision.

Day 41 consisted of a full day of volleyball, Day 42 was another rest day with one game of volleyball for our normal weekly league. So, nothing too exciting but I love playing volleyball. I do have to mention that as a result of all my workouts with both P90X and Insanity, I have noticed a HUGE different in my ability to perform much better on the court. I can hit harder and jump much higher than what I could a year ago. I am absolutely thrilled about that. Thank you Beachbody! I rock! :-)

Yesterday, Day 43 was Core Synergistics. Not too much new with this workout today other than the fact that I was sweating up a storm because of the change in weather. It was in the 60's today and my office was super warm. Oh well, it felt great. I am getting much stronger each and everyday and I am very excited about my progress. New pictures will come in a little over a week. I am really looking forward to that.

Day 44: Insanity Pure Cardio! Yikes!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 38: Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps with Tummy Tuck

Well, I made it through the 2nd week of P90X Chest, Shoulders and Triceps and I must say it was much easier this week than last week. I am still of course unable to do the one-arm push-ups and clap/plyo push-ups without going to my knees but I felt much stronger and was able to more repetitions. I was able to increase my weight on most of the tricep extension work which was exciting. That is the area that I really need to work on the most because I still have some flab waving back at me in the mirror. ha! Yesterday was really great because as I was brushing my teeth I noticed that I had a bicep muscle again which was SO awesome. I was thrilled and know that the muscle development has been much more this round because of the added protein that I have included in my diet.

Following the workout, I decided that instead of Ab Ripper X from P90X that I would do Tummy Tuck from Brazil Butt Lift. I really like the moves and the plank work in this 18 minute workout and the variety of abdominal work that I get from mixing it up throughout this round of my hybrid P90X and Insanity regime. Everyday I do something new and different and I really think that is crucial for long-term success. I am so happy with the turnout of my program and the results I am getting.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 37: Insanity Pure Cardio & Brazil Butt Lift

Insanity Pure Cardio rounded out Day 37 for my P90X/Insanity Hybrid program. I have to tell you that I STILL get really nervous before this workout even with the 20 or so times I have probably completed it. When I am putting my workout clothes on, my stomach starts to cringe a little bit but as soon as I am engaged in the warm-up, which was so much easier today, I am so excited for it. Just a strange love/hate relationship that I have with this one. Weird, I know. I still have to take breaks here and there but that is ok. I dont' want my heart rate to get too high as that isn't good for you. I really try to max out for 30 seconds and then take a brief second to rest then get back into it for the last 20 seconds or so. Today, I noticed that I was a little more fatigued which I think is due to the fact that I didn't eat as many calories as I should have consumed. I kicked butt in the switch kicks this round, yeah me!

Following my round of Insanity, I also included Brazil Butt Lift's 'High & Tight' which left my butt in pain, really! I thought with all of the lunges and squats that I have been doing between the 2 programs I would have no problem with this. I was wrong. Man, Leandro is so right when he says that most of the traditional lunges and squats will only work 1 out of the 3 different muscles that make your butt and this definitely hit those muscles that I don't normally work. I definitely will be doing this workout at least once if not twice a week! What a great workout in only 30 minutes total.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 33-36: Legs & Back, ARX, Insanity & Core Synergistics

I am sorry, I am a few days late on my blog posts as I was really super busy this weekend with different events for my business. Therefore, I have decided to just combine all of my workouts from the past few days instead of separate posts. Friday was Legs & Back followed by Ab Ripper X (ARX). For the day before the first day of Spring, we had a blizzard and I was excited to have this workout today but it can really warm a person up! Ha! It didn't not let me know as the snow was coming down in sheets.

I still have a tough time with a few of the moves and I am not using a pull-up bar no because I can't physically do it but because of where I do my workouts. I have an office space and the building is really old so I simply can't find a doorway that will support a pull-up bar. Therefore, I am still using the resistance bands until I can find something else that will work. I am content with my progress as I have increased my resistance since the last time I did P90X entirely. I always enjoy working my legs so this is a fun workout. One thing that I noticed this round was my ability to do more of the wall squats (both and single leg) and I was able to do more of the toe roll iso lunges..yikes!

Day 34 (Saturday) was scheduled to be my Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance workout but I was scheduled to do a home party for one of my Beachbody coaching teammates part 4 hours away, I was unable to find the time to get that in. So, I used this day as my rest day scheduled for Sunday (Day 35). We had a highly successful home party and just had a super great time. If you are interested in learning more about what we do as Team Beachbody Coaches, please contact me or check out my website.

Day 36 (today) was Core Synergistics, which of course is a workout that I love considerably. I don't really have much to report that is new with this workout except for the fact that I am now seeing a huge difference in my core strength and also the depth of my push-ups is much more now which I am thrilled about. I have lost another 2 inches around my hips and my jeans are fitting considerably better than when I started this routine 6 weeks ago! I am in my 6th week already, I can't hardly believe it.

Looking forward to Pure Cardio tomorrow!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 32: Insanity Cardio Recovery. Thank goodness

Day 32 was a recovery day and I am pretty thankful because my body was really giving me grief yesterday and today. I hadn't completed the Chest,Shoulders, and Triceps workout for a very long time so those muscles were worked over and very sore the next day. I am thankful though that I had the P90X Results and Recovery formula to keep it from being too bad. Cardio Recovery from Insanity is a a nice, low-key workout but don't think that you won't be working today because you will be. Shaun T has created a nice blend of stretching, flexibility, and core balance exercises that will leave you feeling awesome and with a few sweat beads rolling off your forehead.

My goodness the slow lunges in this workout really worked my legs over today but I really enjoyed it. I can do more of the 16 repetitions as well as more of the pulses than I did the first round of Insanity. Tomorow is P90X Legs and Back, and Cardio Abs so I am sure I will feel that tomorrow but it is all good for me. Summer will be here soon enough and I will be wearing shorts so I need to work on my thighs and legs anyway.

I haven't lost much weight this week but I have lost 3 inches off my body especially off my stomach where I am really looking forward to shrinking the most. OH, and my booty too.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 31: P90X Chest, Shoulders, Triceps & Tummy Tuck (Brazil Butt Lift)

Day 31 was a killer workout with P90X Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. If you have not completed that workout it is a must but I will warn you, it is very difficult. I haven't completed this particular series for sometime now due to Insanity and I feel it. This is one of those workouts that you can't hardly write down your progress on your sheet of paper because your hands and arms don't want to work as they are shaking so bad. I mean that in a good way, don't be discouraged because all you can do is your BEST, and as Tony Horton says "Forget the Rest." This workout includes things like Plyo Push-ups, one-arm push-ups, side-tri rises and many other fun, and very challenging moves. It puts the "love/hate" relationship into full swing that's for sure! I know that I am going to feel that one tomorrow but thank goodness for that results and recovery formula. That stuff is amazing for reducing soreness and muscle fatigue after a challenging workout like this one. If you don't have any of that, get you some!~

for my abdominal workout today I decided to complete Brazil Butt Lifts, newest workout from Team Beachbody's Tummy Tuck. Man, that is a great ab workout and really is effective. I am going to feel that one. I like the plank work and variety of ab exercises in this dvd. If you haven't tried Brazil Butt Lift yet, take a look into it.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 30: Pure Cardio & Brazil Butt LIft, High and Tight

Today marked an important day in my workout program as today I made it to 30 days of my hybrid and I haven't skipped one day of it either. As most people know it is easy to start something but finishing it through is quite another so I am proud of myself. They say it takes 30 days to create a habit and honestly, I believe them, I am back in the swing of things and couldn't feel better.

A year ago this week, I made the decision to order from a infomercial that I saw on TV promising me the a ripped body in 90 days. Anyone know what I am talking about? :-) Yea, P90X is correct. That day was a day that changed my life forever as I decided to make my health and fitness a priority for life, again! Now, after almost a year of being a Team Beachbody Coach (first of April), I am 30 days into my 3rd round of P90X with a twist of Shaun T's Insanity workout program. Oh, and a few days of Brazil Butt Lift as well! Swimsuit season is just around the corner and my butt has been neglected. Not that you needed to know that but it has. Probably my biggest area of concern right now is getting a better booty!

Today was Pure Cardio from Insanity with Shaun T. I dread this workout when I get started but as I am going through it, I feel a sense of accomplishment. I am doing a workout program that I would have NEVER started a year ago and I am completing it. Way to go Renee' and THANKS Beachbody for giving me the confidence to do something like this. Workout starts with a challenging 9 minute warm-up with for some, can feel like the entire workout program. A slight but good stretch is followed up by 14 minutes of 14; 1-minute exercises including push-up jacks, frog jumps, switch kicks, ski jumps, mountain climbers and other craziness but the time just passes so quickly. Yeah, right you say? It sure does! After the workout, I picked myself up from my puddle of sweat, cooled down a bit and completed a new workout program from Beachbody called Brazil Butt Lift; high and tight. I am going to feel that one in the morning, for sure. Followed up with an awesome P90X Workout Recovery Drink, ice, whey protein, and some water and I am calling my workout done! Bring it!

Day 29: Core Synergistics ROCKED

Day 29 was Core Synergistics and I feel like I am starting to sound like a broken record because I LOVE this workout. Don't get me wrong, I still view it as a challenge (more so than ever) because I am now much stronger and can work that much harder on each exercise. Even the lateral leg lifts I am starting to be able to lift my leg higher each time. The exercises that I still struggle with is anything that requires me to jump back into plank and then back up again. I am not really that flexible in my hip flexors (which is why YOGA X) is important to do each week and that limits my quickness during Prison Cell Push-ups and in Plank to Chatarunga Run ( I can't get down there yet and hold my body weight).

However, this week I was able to do 10 complete Prison Cell Push-ups and I was also able to do the entire duration of Plank to Chatarunga Run, without going down into Chatarunga of course, but I was able to hold plank and run without my shoulders giving out on me. The walking push-ups were a different story but I did complete the first 30 seconds before having to take a break. Why Tony Horton decided to put those 2 exercises back to back, I will never understand. Those make me weak in the shoulders, that's for sure!

I love Core Synergistcs so much and have probably improved the most on this workout the most since starting my first round of P90X a year ago this week. I LOVE P90X!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 28: Yoga X

YOGA X is probably my least favorite of the workout series but honestly, after I complete it, I feel so great, like a rubber band really. Ok, well maybe not but I do feel amazing and very relaxed after I am done. This is a very important workout as it will help you to be more flexible throughout the rest of the workout routines.

I find it very hard to stay connected into the entire 90 minutes of the program especially during the balance/stretching portion but my favorites parts are the first 40 minutes and then the last 20 minutes. I love the Yoga Belly 7 core/abdominal workouts at the end and find them very challenging yet fun.

So, if you are one of those people, like me, when I first started who wants to just skip the YOGA workouts because you don't think that you need it or it is important, don't do it! Even though you might not see a difference right way or you can't seem to do some of the moves, you will eventually. So, commit yourself to ALL of the workouts, including Yoga. You wont' be disappointed.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 27: Cardio X

Day 27 is Cardio X from P90X which has a little bit of everything you can think of from all of the P90X workouts wrapped up into one DVD. You start off with a warm-up, a little Yoga (through reverse warrior), Kenpo X, Plyometrics, and then some moves from Core Synergistics. This workout is also a supplemental workout for those doing the Doubles version of P90X. I used this as a cardio workout for my recovery week because it is less intense (well it wasn't when I first started P90X the first time) than the Insanity workouts. Cardio X is about 35 minutes long if remember right but it seemed to go really quickly.

I did noticed today that I wasn't hardly tired at all but I did notice that I had not ate enough as I was getting kind of lethargic. So, I probably didn't BRING IT as much as I could have if I would have ate something a little before my workout. Regardless, I am amazed at my progress since the first time I started P90X a year ago this month. WOW! Where does time go?

I finished up my workout with a little Brazil Butt Lift "Tummy Tuck" and boy did that hurt. Those swimsuit models really know how to work it! I will be ready for my bikini in no time flat!

Friday, March 12, 2010

A little bit about Brazil Butt Lift

Day 26: X Stretch; Ab Ripper X & Brazil Butt Lift?

Today, Day 26 I received the newest addition of the Beachbody home fitness programs, Brazil Butt Lift and I was so excited that I just had to try it. I was scheduled to have a day of rest with some stretching from Stretch X DVD and a little bit of ab crunching but I just had to try this workout series. I have had a lot of my friends and customers asking to learn more about Brazil Butt Lift so I thought I would give it a try. Honestly, I thought it would be a walk in the park compared to some of my workouts with Insanity and P90X and I was a little off. Bum Bum, the first workout of the series for this girl who needs to Slim and Shape her bum bum (Brazil for Butt) was far from easy. Lunges, plies, squats galore made me sweat like a pig and I loved every minute of it but was just taken back at the fun I had with trainer Leandro Carvalho's workout and honestly, will be adding this workout series into my daily workout regime's to get my BUM BUM ready for my bikini this summer.

Following the new workout, I popped in the X Stretch DVD and boy did that feel good following all of those moves below the belt in Brazil Butt Lift. It was just what the doctor ordered as I am pretty stiff and feel very inflexible this week. I look forward to the rest of my rest week and getting started next week on my 2nd phase (Week 5) of my P90X and Insanity Hybrid.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 24: Core Synergistics

Well, not much to say today except that this workout is fantastic. :-) Actually, I do have a lot to tell today because I noticed a TON of differences in my workout today including more strength, endurance, and flexibility throughout the entire workout. For the past week, well almost 2 weeks now, I have been adding in Beachbody's vanilla whey protein into my recovery drink and I can tell a huge difference in my strength. Even after completing my entire first round of P90X I wasn't able to perform as well as I did today and I can definitively attribute that to adding protein as well as a better, more "clean" diet.

Diet is KEY to this entire process so if you think you can just do the program and eat and drink whatever you want, then don't expect the results you see from the infomercials. The one, well two, exercises that I felt I most improved on and could see a difference right away was plank to chatarunga run as I did the entire minute without having to quit because my shoulders were beat down. The other one was reach high push-ups because I was also able to do the entire exercise without having to quit and they are both towards the end of the workout. Yeah me!

Today, I ended this workout with a smile on my face (and a whole lot of sweat beads) and I felt SO amazing. I am so thankful for my new found love of this workout because it really is incredible. So much variety and and includes so many exercises to strengthen your entire body.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 23: Kenpo Cardio Plus

For Day 23, I decided to do Kenpo Cardio Plus (click on the image to learn more) instead of the original Kenpo from P90X just because I seem to like that one even more and if I remember right it is a little longer and definitely more cardiovascular challenging. I felt so energetic throughout this workout today and simply felt great! I love all the kicking, punching, and just overall variety mixed with core work in this workout. The 45 minutes went by so quickly I thought, that's it? I guess it is supposed to be my rest week but man on man was that a great workout. You start with a very short warm up with a bit of yoga.

The workout is composed of 3 segments of 3-4 different exercises. You repeat each of the segments with a short cardio break in between to allow you to catch your breath. Like I said above, it went by so quickly but it was such a great, motivating workout. I just love Traci Morrow and Mark Briggs in this workout. They are fantastic!

I weighed myself today and after about 1.5 weeks of REALLY following my nutrition plan to a T, I have lost almost 7.5 lbs of body weight. I am SO super excited! You have no idea. Only about 20 more to go and I will be the happiest person on the planet. Bring it all. Let me know if there is anything that I can do to help you!

Check out my website www.home-fitness-workouts.com/p90x-plus.html for more information on Kenpo Cardio Plus or P90X +.

Day 21 & 22: Rest & Cardio Recovery

Day 21 was a rest day for me however I did have a league volleyball game that I did play in so it wasn't an entire day of rest but more so then every other day this week. I enjoyed the day but I also know that this next week, Week 4 is also a rest week to help recover before the start of Month 2. I loved having this day as my body really needed a bit of a break from the intensity. My right knee was a bit sore today so having some time off of that was much appreciated.

Day 22 is the start of my 4th week of the P90X/Insanity Hybrid program. The workout of the week was Cardio Recovery from Insanity. It was about a 35 minute workout filled up with stretching, core and balance work, as well as a hint of yoga. It was a perfect workout to start my week and I enjoyed it a lot. I can certainly feel it in my core and in my legs (from the slow squats and lunges) already following the workout. Man, that is certainly a great recovery workout but don't let the name trick your brain into thinking it is a walk in the park. It is not!

I have incorporated a few more of the P90X workouts like Kenpo X Plus and Cardio X into the workout regimen for this week and I really look forward to that. It has been awhile since I have done those workouts.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day 20: Insanity Pure Cardio

Insanity Pure Cardio is everything that the name describes it to be. I finished this workout with a face as red as a tomato and a million sweat beads dripping off my face. Even with all of this, I had a great time kicking my own tail with Shaun T. He is a great motivator and I enjoy working out with him and the rest of the crazies on the DVD. I unfortunately wasn't able to make it through all of the workout series for the entire minute but I tried to do at least 30 seconds for sure before I had to take a break.

Pure Cardio starts with a 9 minute warm-up (that almost could be a workout in itself), followed by a quick stretch. After 30 seconds following the stretch it is time to get busy. I could list all of the exercises but it starts with suicide drills and ends with jack push-ups so you figure out if it gets any easier in the middle. Ha! Some other drills include power jacks, switch kicks, wide-stance football stance, and the ever so fun Level 2 drills. wowza. If you have energy after that one you truly are Insanely cardio crazy! I hope that this workout continues to get easier for me as I believe it will.

I am happy I have a rest day before starting my 4th week of this P90X Insanity Hybrid program's recovery week. I am thrilled with the changes in my body thus far and have really enjoyed the past 3 weeks.

Ready to get started with me? It is never too late. Just let me know!

Day 19: P90X Legs & Back, Cardio Abs

During my first round of P90X, I dreaded Legs & Back because my legs were really weenie even though I thought I they were pretty strong. Boy, after that workout was I wrong again this round too. Although they were better this round than the first time, I was still pretty wimpy. Ha!

Legs & Back sounds like a very excruciating workout but honestly, Tony Horton makes it really fun. It has a great combination of squats, calf raises, lunges and of course pull-ups to work the back of shoulders. If you aren't strong enough to do pull-ups or have the space for it, the program also shows you how to use a resistance band to get the same workout. My favorite exercise of the entire workout has to be calf raises with the least favorite being the iso toe lunges or the single leg wall squats. They are killer! I am already sore in my hamstrings after this workout so I made sure that I went and made my workout recovery drink directly after that.

I followed up this workout with a cardio abs workout from Insanity and Shaun T. I simply love that ab routine as you don't do a single crunch. The plank work is killer but so effective and fun!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 18: Insanity Core Cardio & Balance

I decided to alternate Yoga X with Core Cardio & Balance today but I am not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Yoga X is hard but this Core/Cardio workout I thought I remembered right was a tad big easier than what it was but I was wrong. This particular workout is done on the 5th week of the Insanity workout program for an entire week to help your body recover from the first month of the program. I remember doing it but I don't remember sweating that hard the first time I did it. I loved it! Next time, instead of Core Cardio & Balance I think I might go with Cardio Recovery instead? Any thoughts from anyone out there? You can check out my website to get more information about Insanity's calendar and workouts.

The thing I liked most about this workout was the new variety of exercises including the hip flexor moves (that about killed my legs and hips off) and the shoulder plie sequence at the end as those were new, fun and killer! You have a short warm-up at the beginning, a less intensive cardio workout (still challenging, don't' get me wrong) and then a series of movements mentioned above (shoulder and hip work). Overall, a great workout disguised as a recovery workout. :-)

I added in a 20 minute walk with my dogs and that was awesome. We are finally getting some nice weather here so I wanted to capitalize on that. I am down about 3lbs but I have noticed even since last week that my jeans are starting to fit less tight and definitively loser around the waist. I have been working very hard on sticking to my diet plan and making sure I am eating enough as well. Tomorrow is Legs & Back, and Cardio Abs.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 17: P90X Shoulders & Arms; Ab Ripper X; 30 minute jog

Shoulders & Arms is one of my favorite workouts of the P90X program, which I have made very apparent to my friends on Facebook and Twitter as I just love the exercises in it and how ripped (well, not actually "ripped) but it does make me feel good. Some of my favorite exercises in this workout are the side-tri rises (I could do 15 on each side this week), static curls (15lbs) and then my all-time favorite the alternating shoulder press. I was able to increase my weights from 10lbs to 15 lbs on some of the exercises and I am thrilled with that. Today, I am really kinda stiff and sore in the shoulders and biceps but such a great feeling of accomplishment.

Ab Ripper of course was killer but I have come to the conclusion that I will not be able to do them all right away so taking breaks is OK. So, today instead of focusing on getting the full 25 repetitions in I focused on taking my time, going slower, and doing as many as I can in the time allotted. I think doing that will be much better for me physically and mentally so that I can get stronger each time I do them. My VERY least favorite is the p ifer scissors probably because I get very weak in my hip flexors and then it starts to really hurt. Darn it! Oh well, baby steps!

On the days that I lift or weight train, I decided to add in about 20-30 minutes of cardio whether that we walking my dogs, going for a jog, or using our elliptical machine. Today was a 30 minute jog because the weather was SO nice outside. So far, in week 3, I am down almost 5 lbs and an inch around my waist. I am so pumped. My hard work is paying off and I am in only 3 weeks!

I did really well with my eating habits today following the P90X nutrition guide to a T. I love the P90X Workout Recovery drink which is probably the thing that I look forward to the most each day. Here is my favorite concoction using this drink. Get yours here.

In a blender mix:
12 oz of cold water
1 package of P90X workout recovery drink (or a scoop if you have the bulk container)
1/2 a banana
1 scoop of Vanilla Whey Protein

Yum-O! Ok, have a great day everyone. Until my next workout! :-)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 16: Insanity Power & Resistance

Well, I ventured away from the actual "hybird" program again today and did Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance. I honestly don't know how I made it through that workout but I had a blast doing it. I dont really have a reason as to why I decided to do that one instead of Cardio Plyometrics other than I was in the mood to do something different during my 3 week of the program. Even though I left my workout facility with a bright red face and a wet tank top, I felt amazing and knew that I had given it everything that I had.

The workout of course starts with a very gradually increasing intense warm-up followed by a quick stretch. After a 30 second rest and a quick drink of water Shaun T gets us moving with some power jumps, some hip squat things, touch the floor, and then V-up push-ups. (sorry I know that those are not the exact names of the exercises but hopefully that helps). You go through each of these workouts for 30 seconds each and the series of those from start to finish 3 times with a 30 second rest in between.

In between the 2 sets you then get to so tricep work in 2 different exercises and then another 30 seconds rest before the start of the new set. The 2nd set of exercises includes hurdle jump/sprints, globe squats, moving push-ups, then planks runs. (again, not the exact names as I haven't memorized them all yet) and you do each of those for 30 seconds and from start to finish 3 times. Even after all that you still have one more move which is 8 squats/8 push-ups alternating for 1 minute. Finally, a rest and stretch. I am SO glad that I have the P90X workout recovery drink to help me recover faster and it tastes awesome.

Tomorrow, will be Shoulders & Arms from P90X, Ab Ripper, and 20 minutes of extra cardio. Bring it!

Day 15: Core Synergistics

Core Synergistics was so much easier this week than it has been since the start of this new 90 day venture. I felt fantastic for most of the workout except when I got down to the plank to chatarunga run. I used to be able to do that for at least a few but have succumbed to my knees until I can get my strength back. One BIG difference this week was that I was able to do more bow to boat moves and hold boat for a long longer. I am so excited for that because I know that my abs are starting to get stronger along with my hip flexors. Core is just one of those "feel" good workouts, for me anyway, and I love the way I feel after this workout. If you are still on the fence about P90x, and have the time and drive to commit to 90 days, in my opinion, go for it! Let me know if you have questions or would like suggestions on where you can purchase the program and get the added benefit of a free P90X coach.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 14: P90X Plus--Interval X

Day 14 was supposed to be Pure Cardio but due to the fact that I didn't have the disk with me at home (left it in my office) and didn't want to drive into my regular place to workout, I decided to substitute Interval X from the P90X Plus series of workouts. P90X plus is pretty similar in nature to Pure Cardio as it is based around "interval" or high intensity exercises. Interval X starts off with a warm-up/stretch then you do a series of 14-15 exercises starting out very slow and working up to a faster pace for 30 seconds. You do one round of these exercises, then you have a short 1 minute break and you do them all again in reverse order.

In Pure Cardio you do about the same number of exercises (14-15 of them) but you do them for 1 minute a piece with no rest in between. You also have a 9 minute warm-up before you get started with the actual workout. The warm-up actually feels like the actual workout of Interval X.

Overall, a great workout today even though I varied my exercise a little bit but again they are very comparable to one another. I can already feel that is my thighs and butt area...I love that feeling. Week 2 complete. Bring on WEEK 3!

Days 12 & 13: Yoga, Walk, and Rest Day

Yoga X, a 20 minute walk was on the agenda for Day 12 of my P90X/Insanity workout program. I honestly have never really looked forward to Yoga days because primarily I have never been good at it and because my attention span is really about an hour before I lose interest. Today, I had a lot going on and needed some peace and it was a great workout. I was only able to do the first 50 minutes and then the final 10 minutes of Yoga Belly 7 as I had other engagements but I also included a 20 minute walk outside with my dogs. The weather here was too gorgeous not to take advantage of it.

Day 13: Rest Day as I was in Lincoln for our Beachbody Game Plan event. I left early and returned home late so I used this day as a rest day and will use Sunday as my workout day for Pure Cardio. I can't wait to do that one! :-) Sense the sarcasm but it is growing on me! Make it a great day everyone!

Day 11: Shoulders & Arms, RevAbs Mercy Abs

A lifting day, finally! I love to lift weights especially my arms and shoulders so I was really excited about today's workout. I know, I am addicted if I get that excited but it always leave me feeling super afterwards! A sense of accomplishment. Today was really just about like last week other than I added a few more repetitions to my chair dips as well as my side-tri rises. Does anyone else feel the side-tri rises in their abdomen as well? I sure do but that is probably a good thing. I need all of the help that I can get in that department. Today I also did 20 minutes of Cardio from RevAbs, Rev It Up and then for Abs instead of Ab Ripper X, I did RevAbs, Mercy Abs. That is a simple yet effective workout and I definitely felt the burn following that 15 minute ab routine. What a great workout day! See you tomorrow!

Day 10 P90X and Insanity Hybrid: Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Urggh..the dreaded Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit workout. I actually have a hard time getting myself pumped up for this one because it still quite a challenge for me but I DO IT anyway! Once I get past the warm-up, I am fine but today it seemed to drag a bit more than usual. About the time I get to the basketball jumping drills I am beat and ready to quit but Shaun T. does such a fantastic job of keeping me motivated to keep going and do my best, and forget the rest! Thanks Tony Horton for that saying. I definitely am so thankful for the P90X Workout Recovery drink because that stuff saves my muscles and my body from complete and utter soreness. Each day gets a little better, until of course Pure Cardio. Then, I want to quit all over again but I do it ANYWAY! I love this combination as you get strength, cardio, and flexibility everyday. Tomorrow is Shoulders & Arms, and Ab Ripper X. I absolutely love that workout. Bring it everyone!

Day 9 of P90X and Insanity Hybrid: Core Synergistics

Core Synergistics is of course one of my favorite workouts of this hybrid program as it is a little bit of everything all wrapped up into one workout. You get arms, legs, back, shoulders, abs/core, etc. it and I just love that aspect of it. The feeling that I get after that workout is indescribable. I was really excited that I could do more of the exercises from the workout including the plank to chatarunga run and the plank walk. I told myself that I wouldn't quit before 30 seconds were up (1 minute total) and I did just that. Usually my arms get pretty tired about that time but I kept pushing myself through it. Completely rewarding after only 2 weeks into the program. I am loving the structure of this hybrid program. I did a great job of eating "clean" today and it felt great. My results will be 80% better as a result of my eating habits and following the P90X Nutrition Plan. Go me!